This photo series is a peek into the past, to get a glimpse of rush, fighting against time to achieve endlessly. During the pre-COVID times, people moved freely. Life was a complete rush and everybody was dreaming of stepping up on the ladder. There were no worries and with respect to today, there seemed to be no diseases. I wonder, will we get a chance to experience this, the way we did, again?
Super stoked to get an honorable mention by @iphotoawards 2020 for this project. View more of this project in my closed gallery
A multiple exposure project I started working on in 2018. My aim was to work on street photography in a distinct manner that helps the viewer grasp the movements taking place within a photograph. When the pandemic hit and I explored these images, they got me longing to go back to these moments of rush, walking amongst strangers without the worry of contracting a life-threatening disease. This project is ongoing and I was fortunate to have captured enough to help the viewer experience the feeling of free movement.